Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Injuries: What Does the Research Say?

Chiropractic Care and Whiplash Treatment

After a severe car accident, long term damage to the spine or the neck and head is all too common.

For years, chiropractors have recognized the need to keep these areas healthy, both before and after accidents.

But what’s worse is that victims of accidents don’t always make a complete recovery, especially after suffering a whiplash injury.

Whiplash is an injury to your cervical spine and neck muscles due to a rapid forward and backward motion of the neck during traumatic events like motor vehicle accidents, sports accidents, or a slip and fall accident.

Whiplash can cause short term neck pain and back pain, as well as limit the range of motion in your neck.

A whiplash injury can also cause whiplash-associated disorders (WADs).

WADs are an all too common, disabling, and expensive condition that occurs usually as a result of a car accident, usually a rear end accident.

It’s estimated that up to 50% of people who experience whiplash injuries will never fully recover, and up to 30% will remain moderately to severely disabled by their condition.

But, many people see chiropractors for whiplash and swear by the results.

However, there are still skeptics out there that don’t believe chiropractic care works.

So, what does the research tell us?

In the article below, we will talk about what the research says about Whiplash Injuries and Chiropractic Treatment.

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