What Should You Do AFter A Chiropractic Appointment?

Seeing a chiropractor is an excellent step towards better movement and health. 

Seeing a chiropractor starts you on the path to restoring balance, alignment as well as eliminating chronic pain. 

But to get the most out of your chiropractic care, you must be an active partner in bettering your health.

Practicing proper self-care between chiropractic appointments is crucial in getting the most out of your adjustments. 

After your adjustment, you may feel instant relief, or you might experience some tenderness as your body begins to move into the correct positions. 

Either feeling is normal, but it is what you do next that can really play into how effective your adjustments are. 

In the article below, we will discuss what you should do after your chiropractic adjustments.

Chiropractic Care For Dizziness and Vertigo

Everyone has been dizzy.

Whether it’s because we stood up too fast, we looked at an optical illusion for too long, or our kids begged us to spin them in a circle. 

The feeling of unsteadiness can be troubling, but these feelings are usually temporary and minuscule compared to the feelings of vertigo.

Vertigo is dizziness combined with a feeling of movement or a spinning sensation, even if you are standing perfectly still. 

Vertigo can be absolutely debilitating in everyday life because it can make you feel sick, make it difficult to walk, and impair your vision and hearing.

Vertigo can begin in a few different ways, most of them dealing with the way your inner ear and brain communicate. 

Because of the neurological connection, chiropractic care may be the ideal course of treatment to cure your dizziness. 

In the article below, we will talk about dizziness and vertigo and how chiropractic care can help.

10 Exercises To Help With Back And Neck Pain After A Car Accident

On average, 2.35 million people in the United States are injured in car accidents every year.

According to experts in the auto insurance industry, the average driver gets in an accident about once every 18 years.

So over the course of a lifetime, the average person will be involved in 4 car accidents.

The odds are not in our favor. If you haven’t been in an accident yet, it’s likely only a matter of time.

Fortunately for us, not every accident is fatal. Most people can walk away from their accidents with little to no injuries.

At least they think so.

Sometimes, our adrenaline is pumping after an accident; we don’t feel any pain or symptoms of an injury until hours, days, or even weeks later.

Because of the force applied to our bodies during a car accident, it is very common to get an injury to your neck or back.

If you start feeling pain in either of these areas after an accident, you should see your chiropractor right away.

Even after you’ve seen your chiropractor, there’s a good chance you’ll still be dealing with some pain.

Depending on your injury, it could take several visits to your chiropractor to recover completely.

However, you can do some common exercises between visits to help ease the pain.

We’ll talk about ten of them below. 

What To Do After A Whiplash Accident

It’s estimated that there are over 1 million car accident fatalities every year, and another 20-50 million are injured.

Almost everyone will experience at least one car accident in their lifetime, and there is a good chance they will suffer injuries.

If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident and don’t seem to have sustained injuries, you should still visit an accident doctor.

Some accident injuries, like whiplash, don’t have immediate symptoms.

But if they are left untreated, they could result in chronic pain and other long-term issues.

Knowing what to do after a whiplash accident can help protect your financial and physical health and prevent complications or long-term disability.

What Happens if Whiplash Is Left Untreated?

A soft tissue injury is an injury that affects muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Essentially, a soft tissue injury affects tissue other than bone.

Whiplash is one of the most common soft tissue injuries, especially after car accidents.

It is also one of the most common injuries in sports.

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury of the neck that is often dismissed as a minor or self-repairing injury, but that is usually not the case.

If you’re involved in an accident, and you don’t receive proper medical care for an untreated whiplash injury, you risk developing serious complications from whiplash later down the road.

It can alter your daily life when your body movement is greatly affected by the effects of whiplash that goes untreated.

If you have any reason to believe that you may be suffering from a whiplash injury caused by a car accident, you should get medical attention and speak with a healthcare professional for physical therapy or chiropractic care.

You may also need to contact a car accident attorney about getting compensated for your medical bills and other financial losses.

In the article below, we will talk about what happens if your whiplash injuries are left untreated.



How Long Does It Take Chiropractic Care To Work?

One of the first questions people ask when they are thinking about doing something is, “how long is this going to take?”

Patience, for many people, has become a thing of the past.

Today everything is instant and ready to go when we need it.

Our lives move faster than they ever have before, and we expect medical care to keep up.

However, speed isn’t always good when it comes to recovering from an injury or getting over pain.

We’ve all seen the athlete who re-injures himself because he didn’t give himself enough time to heal.

Some injuries take longer to heal than others, and some treatments can either speed up or slow down that process.

Where does chiropractic care fall? How long does it take a chiropractic adjustment to start working?

In the article below, we will explore that question and more.

Overlooked Dangers: The Lasting Effects of Untreated Car Crash Injuries

Car crashes can happen in the blink of an eye, but their consequences can last a lifetime. Many consider themselves lucky to walk away from an accident without immediate injuries, not realizing the lurking complications of those initially unnoticed.

This article delves into the hidden perils of untreated car crash injuries, emphasizing the importance of early detection, proper medical care, and understanding their potential to disrupt lives if neglected.

For car accident relief in Atlanta, contact our professionals today!

Can I Get Pain And Suffering Damages After A Car Accident?

Pain and suffering damages after a car accident can be recovered under certain circumstances by people injured in a motor vehicle accident.

Pain and suffering damages compensate victims for the pain and suffering they have suffered due to a motor vehicle crash caused by an at-fault driver’s negligence.

In the article below, we will do a deep dive into pain and suffering damages after a car crash.


Will My Personal Injury Claim Cover Chiropractic Care?

On average, there are about 15,913 car accidents every day in the U.S.

Maybe this isn’t surprising to you, because it feels like you get stuck behind a few every day on your way to work.

But with that many car accidents every day, there’s a good chance you’ll eventually end up involved in one if you haven’t already.

Some car accidents have fatal outcomes. Some accidents cause visible injuries that need immediate medical attention.

And then there are car accidents that cause injuries, but you’re not aware of your injury until hours or days after the accident.

After a car accident, your adrenaline is pumping, so you might not feel the effects of your injury right away.

You might even refuse medical treatment because you’re convinced you made it out okay.

But then shortly after your accident, you start to actually feel like you’ve been hit by a car.

These tissues are often soft tissue injuries, and the best treatment for them is chiropractic care.

Like any other healthcare service, the cost of chiropractic care will add up quickly, so if your accident was due to the negligence of another driver, you need to be sure you receive adequate compensation.

But, since many people view chiropractic care as an “alternative” treatment, will your personal injury claim cover the expense of chiropractic care?

We’ll answer that question and more in the article below.

Can I File A Wrongful Death After A Car Accident?

Key Takeaways:

  • A wrongful death is a death that occurs due to the negligence of another person or group.
  • Immediate family members can file a wrongful death claim after a fatal car accident.
  • The wrongful death claim must be filed within the statute of limitations


Losing someone you care about in a fatal car accident is a terrible thing.

Even though money can’t bring back a loved one who has died, holding the negligent party responsible for the wrongful death and making them pay for it may give you the closure you need to move on.

A wrongful death lawyer can tell you if you can file a lawsuit after the death of a loved one in an accident.